Public Comment Filed Opposing Suspension of Introduction of Persons Into United States From Designated Foreign Countries or Places for Public Health Purposes,” Docket No. CDC-2020-0033, 85 FR 16559 (filed April 23, 2020)

On April 23, 2020, Immigration Equality submitted a comment opposing Suspension of Introduction of Persons Into United States from Designated Foreign Countries or Places for Public Health Purposes. The rule allows the U.S. government to expel immigrants including asylum-seekers from the U.S. under the guise of public health precautions. However, the rule is based on immigration status rather than COVID-19 exposure and is further based on the incorrect assumption that those coming into the U.S. must be detained in congregate settings. This rule puts LGBTQ asylum-seekers  in grave danger and it violates both U.S. and international law. For these reasons, Immigration Equality opposed the proposed rule.

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